Project Migration
Data Migration
Key Takeaways


This walkthrough provides a migration strategy to existing users to upgrade from BusinessEvents (BE) 5.x to 6.x version.


The goal of this walkthrough is to assist users for a seamless migration to BusinessEvents 6.x. 
Migration to BusinessEvents 6.x is a two step approach. 
  1. Project Migration
  1. Data Migration
Both these topics are covered in detail in the next steps.

Key Announcements

  • BusinessEvents 5.6.x version is End of Support on 31 December 2022, please refer to the announcement on TIBCO Support Portal for more details. 
  • ActiveSpaces (AS) 2.4.x is End Of Support on 30 June 2023, please refer to the announcement on TIBCO Support Portal for more details.

Changes in Functionality with BusinessEvents 6.x

  • When a project from BE 5.x is migrated to BE 6.1.1 or above versions, the project will be migrated to the NewId (Key-based Lookup) implementation by default. All the versions below 6.1.1 have the Legacy Lookup as the default lookup implementation. Differences in the Key-based and Legacy Lookup strategies are provided in the documentation here.
  • With BE 6.x, under the new Key-based Lookup, the concept and event entities have ID (@id) as Object data type instead of Long. 
  • Agent cluster configuration "Check for Duplicates" is no longer supported. This feature performed duplicate checks cluster-wide across entities but was never enabled by default due to performance reasons. Duplicate checks within entities continue to be supported. If existing BE 5.x projects have "Check for Duplicates" enabled, then these projects will need refactoring to remove this dependency. Additional details are covered in 'Project Migration' step under 'Using NewId (Key - Based Lookup)' topic.
  • Users can choose between refactoring or lift-and-shift strategies for migration based on their migration timeline, efforts, the complexity of the use-cases, licensing and other factors.
  • For lift-and-shift scenarios, users can choose to migrate from AS 2.x cache provider option to supported options like Apache Ignite. Details on moving from AS 2.x to Apache Ignite and/or TIBCO FTL are covered under the 'Data Migration' step. 
  • Users need to ensure the third-party supported software (Eg: database/external data grids) used in the project are also migrated to the supported versions with upgraded BE 6.x version. Refer to the specific BE6.x version readme for a list of supported software (and platform) list.
Users can also refer to the BusinessEvents Github page for additional custom implementations or references. 

Licensing Information

  • With BE 6.x,  if AS 4.x is used as a Store option for Inference Agents/Rule Management Server, then a separate license for AS 4.x is not needed and is covered under the BE license. AS 4.x ships TIBCO FTL for the internal communication between AS and FTL, no separate license for FTL is needed in that case.
  • A separate license for AS 4.x will be needed if it is used as an independent distributed data store.
  • With BE 6.x, if FTL is used as a Cluster Provider, then a separate license for FTL is not needed and is covered under the BE license.