Getting Started
Containerizing an In-Memory BE Application
Containerizing a Cache OM BE Application
Containerizing A BE RMS Application
Key Takeaways


This walkthrough provides step-by-step guidance to containerize  TIBCO BusinessEvents (BE) applications on AWS EKS.


The goal of this walkthrough is to enable users to containerize their BE applications on AWS EKS seamlessly. The following BE applications are leveraged in this guide. 
  1. In-Memory BE applications
  2. BE applications with Cache Object Management
  3. BE RMS applications


  • The build tool used to containerize the BE applications covered in this walkthrough guide is docker. However, buildah tool can also be used for containerizing the BE applications.
  • The environment used to run the containerized BE application is AWS EKS managed using Kubernetes cluster.


  • Docker basics and concepts to build BE Docker image.
  • Kubernetes concepts to deploy the BE Docker image using Kubernetes.
  • Administration knowledge of the Cloud Platform/Service - AWS.
  • BusinessEvents software is accessible at the desired location for the desired platform on your local machine.
If your BE application uses any or all of TIBCO BusinessEvents add-ons / TIBCO ActiveSpaces / TIBCO FTL / TIBCO OI HawkRedTail, install the respective add-ons or download the respective packages on an accessible location.
On MacOS platform, you can build only Linux containers. To build images on macOS, you must store the TIBCO BusinessEvents Linux installer ZIP file (TIB_businessevents-enterprise_<version>_linux26gl25_x86_64.zip) in an accessible location instead of the macOS installer ZIP file. 
  • Clone/Download the cloud folder from the be-tools GitHub repo.
For local installation, copy this cloud folder into <<BE-home>>\cloud directory. The cloud folder contains utilities to deploy and monitor your BE applications on different cloud platforms.
The Github repo also contains a wiki page with the BE Containerization information.  
  • Make sure the following softwares are installed -
  • docker
  • aws_cli
  • kubectl
  • eksctl
  • helm
You can configure the credentials in the command prompt (which can then be used for other operations like build/push image) using the aws configure command as shown below - 
AWS configure
  • Create an ECR - repo with the desired name from the AWS account from AWS UI under ECR. ECR -> Repositories -> Create New Repo (repo name).
Once the Repo is created, you can get the commands using the  View push commands option.
  • Login to AWS from aws-cli and retrieve the password token using the command -
aws ecr get-login-password --region <<>> | docker login --username <<>> --password-stdin <<>>
  • Create an EKS Cluster using the command -
eksctl create cluster --region us-east-2
The cluster currently used (denoted by *) can be checked using the command - 
kubectl config get-contexts


Various steps that are used to run a containerized BE application have been listed below and explained in details in the later sections.
  1. Build a BE app container image
  2. Push the Container Image on AWS Cloud
  3. Run the BE application on AWS using Helm Charts.
  4. Monitor the application logs in Kubernetes pod
These steps have  been covered in details in the subsequent sections for the different types of BE applications as listed above.